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Label: Cavum Atrum Rex
Catalog Number: CAR VII
Limited Edition Jewel Box CD. Tracklist: 1. Repulsive Kvlt Invertebrata / Ahidny Kult Invertebrata 2. Dawn of Great Extinction / Zara Vialikaha Vymirańnia 3. We Don't Need to Know Where to Go / Nam Nie Treba Viedać Kudy Iści 4. Amongst the Holy Horns / Siarod Śviatyh Rahoŭ 5. All Orders are Mine / Usie Ordeny Maje 6. Through Fire, Thorns and Bones / Praz Ahoń, Šypy i Kości 7. The World Cannot Be Different / Śviet Nie Moža Być Inšym 8. Heralds of Mass Defeat / Vieśniki Masavaj Parazy